I remember

I remember your radiant light.

I imagine her in paradise, laughing with so much joy as God shares His hilarious jokes with her.

Chosen one

We can smile with Santa despite the challenges of 2020. Photo by KoolShooters from Pexels

Finally, 2020 is coming to an end, and boy, do we need Christmas this year. I wish you a Merry (Mary) Christmas!

Time ain’t waiting

As the year continues to pick up steam, it reminds me that time “ain’t waiting for nobody”, not even me.


How do you convince those who are experiencing tyranny yet have fallen in love with the tyrant?


Those who make their new year decisions are ten times more likely to seize opportunities and achieve their goals than those who choose not to.

There is a hereafter…

I was speaking with a friend recently about a time when everything seemed to be falling apart in my life. In the words of Charles Dickens, “It was…the worst of times…”

Taking back my life

My decisions are mine to make, and not making them is actually deciding not to be responsible…