There is a hereafter…

“Forgive me, Mr. Palmer, but I can’t resist the urge to give you one of my all-time favorite pieces of advice: ‘If you’re going through hell, keep going.’” – Dr. Donald “Ducky” Mallard

I was speaking with a friend recently about a time when everything seemed to be falling apart in my life. In the words of Charles Dickens, “It was…the worst of times…” But I look back now, and I smile because I’m no longer there; I went through it…and I didn’t die.

It truly doesn’t matter what you’re going through; what matters is that you are going through and not staying stuck in it. See yourself at the end, and then don’t stop until you’ve gotten there. And according to the wisdom of Proverbs 23:18, your hope will not disappoint you.

From the TV Series NCIS Season 14 – Episode 13 “Keep Going” (2017); Ducky quoting Winston Churchill.