Time ain’t waiting

People change, circumstances change
Situations in life they just rearrange.
This is not strange…”

I read something today, and it stirred me up. As the year continues to pick up steam, it reminds me that time “ain’t waiting for nobody”, not even me. I can’t keep putting things off for later.

Later is a myth. Or at least it seems to never come around.

Looking back, I remember some things I planned for later in 2015. Well, I never got ’round to them…four years later. You might say 2015 was a difficult year, and understandably, some things got left behind. Exactly!!! Situations and priorities change. So when we put off stuff until later, we might find out that it is no longer a priority just before it gets to later. And the sad thing is, it might have been a big one.

Time’s not waiting for me, so I can’t keep waiting for later. Life is happening now, and the world is living as I write. So later can wait; I’m doing life aujourd’hui!

From the song “Time and Time” by Sherwin Gardner.