Back to basics

“You must know the importance of basics; without them, all your work is a waste of time.”

The three thieves

I know there are other thieves out there but imagine if we kill these three. Just imagine…

From within

There are several things I haven’t done, not because they’re impossible but because so many years of programming have conditioned my mind to believe I’m not supposed to do them now.

How we talk

If you truly believe that it doesn’t matter how you talk to people, then why do you get upset when they speak to you in a way you don’t fancy?


Someone once said that it is far easier to steer a moving ship than a stationary one.

The innovator

Nobody remembers any of the other light bulb experiments and trials Thomas Edison carried out before the first one that succeeded.

A teacher

School is great! But you don’t have to wait; you can have class right now.